Thursday, August 1, 2013


(from here)

The Naked Plate has a post up today on 7 Things Every Whole30er Should Know. Number 6 really resonated with me:

6. Comparison is not your friend. You know that old saying, “Comparison is the thief of joy”? It’s true. Whether you’re comparing before photos, weekly meal plans, end goals, or something more insidious like weight lost, measuring yourself against someone else is a recipe for dissatisfaction. Someone will always be the superstar, or make prettier meals, or have better results. The grass is always greener. It’s a fact. But no one is starting exactly where you are, no one shares the exact same challenges, and no one will have the same successes. This is your story, and yours alone. Don’t let someone else’s story cast a shadow on yours.

This is what I need to remember. Comparison is the thief of joy. And this is MY story. Mine alone. I started in a different place than everyone else. I have different medical issues than others, a different metabolism, a different body. My journey will be different than anyone else. And my results will be different. And that's okay. Because this is my science experiment. My n=1. And I have the power to make it fabulous. And make it mine.