Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stress, running, and other important things

Or at least things I think are important...

So yeah. Stress. We're buying a house, which is stressful. Added to that, I have two work trips in the next four weeks, Adi's 2nd birthday party to plan/throw (which is small, but still important!), several grants to write and submit, and normal work stuff to deal with as well. This semester is turning out to be a lot more hectic than I had originally planned, but I guess it usually ends up being that way! I am doing my best to not turn to food when I'm stressed. Most days, that's been fairly successful. Once or twice, though, I have been tempted by a bit of something here or there. This has definitely been (and will continue to be) a challenge.

I've also run into a small snag with running (haha, no pun intended). After my run last weekend, my right heel started hurting. It's sore when I stand on it, as if I have a bruise right on the bottom of my heel. Not so comfy. I talked with a friend of mine who's an athletic trainer and runner (and yogi, and generally intelligent person about these things) and she suggested some stretches and massages (with a tennis ball) to loosen up the muscles/tendons in the area. Likely, it's that my Achilles is tight. In and of itself, that's not ideal, but more importantly, that can lead to plantar fasciitis. So obviously, I'm increasing my stretching and improving my routine after running. I'm also trying to incorporate some of those stretches into my every day movement.  My heel is doing better, but I haven't run since Monday (yesterday was REALLY hot and about 100% humidity - too much for me, as I'm not acclimated to that anymore!).  I'm planning on a run tomorrow, so we'll see how it feels after that.

Other important things:

I'm craving pumpkin. I love fall, and pumpkin is such a good fall food. I'm thinking I may need to try one of these recipes:
(and yes, most of these aren't Whole30, but are Paleo. I'm totally cool with that. I just want me some pumpkin!)

I see a lot of canning in my near future. A co-worker offered me a TON of tomatoes; I just have to help him pick them. So tomorrow afternoon, I'll be picking tomatoes. Apparently there are a LOT (he thinks there's about half a bushel - that's 4 GALLONS of tomatoes). So, I'll be dicing and cooking and canning this weekend, I do believe! My plan is to make our own diced tomatoes and some tomato sauce.  The tomato sauce should be pretty straight forward, I'm thinking either Spicy Tomato Basil Sauce or this Meat Sauce. Or maybe some of both?

(from here)

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