Thursday, December 5, 2013

A whole new level of soreness...

Just dropping in for a quick update. First, some talk about the munchkin.  We took her off dairy for almost three weeks. No change in eczema or bowels. Saw an allergist, who did some very basic skin testing (dairy, eggs, soy, wheat, dust mites) all of which were negative. So we added dairy back in and are dealing with skin care issues, and giving the bowels some more time to resolve their issues.  The gut grows and adapts just as the rest of the body, so it may just be adapting and need more time. I'm okay with that for now, because she doesn't seem to be uncomfortable. If she gets uncomfortable again, we'll pursue other options. So that's that, at least for now.

As for me, I set myself up to succeed over Thanksgiving (made sure I had plenty of compliant dishes to choose from) and still made bad decisions. I'm okay with it - no excuses, no regret, just moving on the next day (or week).  I had 3-4 days of poor eating choices (not all bad choices, just a few each day), felt terrible and decided that Thanksgiving was no excuse to totally give up between now and Christmas. I gained 3-4 lbs (mostly water weight, I think/hope); hopefully I'll be able to get that off before Christmas!

So I signed up for a 21 day challenge, hosted by a Beachbody coach I "know" through Facebook and some friends. The challenge is 21 days of clean eating (Whole30 style for me) plus working out 6 days a week. Three days are WOD (workout of the day) that he provides and the other three days are cardio/recovery days (so 30 minutes on the treadmill or a run, etc). We started on Monday and will finish on 12/21 (our first day back in PA for Christmas).  Holy sore muscles, Batman!  Monday's WOD left me SO sore - definitely feeling muscles in my legs that I haven't in a VERY long time. Yesterday's WOD was tough, too. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but one of my challenges is just being coordinated enough to do some of these movements (ahem, burpees) let alone have the strength.  But soreness is awesome. I haven't felt sore in a really long time. It makes me happy, makes me feel productive. And my nutrition has been great all this week. I've got some challenges coming up (holiday meals, etc), but I have the resources to make good decisions (now I just need the willpower!). 

If all goes well, maybe I'll post before/after stats/pics. Maybe. I also have some new recipes that we tried recently, from Well Fed 2 and from random websites. I'll try to get pics and put links up when I can. :)

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