Vacation has been wonderful! We've been hanging out with friends and family, just having a good time. Nothing terribly exciting planned, just going with the flow, seeing friends when we can, playing outside, wandering through the Fair (seeing lots of animals - Adi's favorite!) and relaxing. Adi has been wonderfully flexible this trip, so although she's now a tired girl (we're heading home tomorrow), she has done well napping and sleeping.
All week, I've been surrounded by fair food, junk food, desserts, and generally unhealthy foods. I decided at the beginning of the week that I would have one "off-road" food, but that I would wait for the last day of the fair to have it, so that if it triggered a bad response mentally (i.e. EAT. ALL. THE. THINGS), that I wouldn't have to deal with that while having all of my senses assaulted by the smells, sounds, and views of all of that incredibly unhealthy food. So all week, I've done pretty well with my eating, even though most of our meals have been fair food. So what did I eat? Breakfast was at home, so easy to make compliant. Most mornings looked something like this:
Eggs and veggies. Check out those awesome tomatoes. Those are from my father-in-law's garden. They had been gone for a week when we arrived, so the garden was just stuffed with wonderfulness to munch on.
See what I mean? These tomatoes were SO sweet and yummy. I have garden envy.
For lunches and dinners, I did the best I could with what was available and didn't stress about it. That meant salads with the best dressing choice available, sandwiches without the bread, and some chicken. I thought the chicken was supposed to be roasted and it was fried. Oh, well. Often, I couldn't find enough that I was comfortable with eating, so I supplemented with Lara bars. I probably used the Lara bars a little too much, so I'll be putting those away for awhile when we get home, but they were good in a pinch. I also survived a Grove Family lunch with not much problem - I ate some meat and some fruit (only veggies were corn, which I haven't reintroduced yet, so I held off on that) - and fended off the multiple desserts. :) Today was our last day there, and I had my delicious dessert - a chocolate covered banana. Nothing too outrageous, but it was the one thing that just kept sounding good to me. Amazing that I didn't choose ice cream, or a cinnamon roll, or some sort of crazy fried food or candy!!
One of the best things about vacation? Running! Not only that, but I got NEW SHOES! So excited. I haven't bought new shoes in quite a long time (Okay, years. I was wearing Saucony Omni 7's. The new shoes? Omni 12's. Right. New shoes sooner this time.) Here's a gratuitous shot of my new kicks:
Pretty, aren't they? Ignore the pale legs. :) I ran once in my old shoes, then bought these babies and ran three more mornings! I ran four mornings and walked one morning with mom, for a total of 14+ miles in the last 5 days. We also did a LOT of walking around the fair, which was slow, but still moving (and often carrying an extra 30 lbs of Adi...).
I don't have weight change info yet, but I'll weigh in on Wednesday morning. I feel pretty good about it, even if it's just maintenance. I am pretty proud of my control over what I'm eating. I've felt the urge to snack, but have mostly resisted, or have chosen healthy foods.