Yesterday we took a trip to the zoo! Lots of fun, a good bit of walking and pushing the stroller, so between that and my morning run, I got in some good exercise yesterday. Speaking of running, I'm trying to figure out where I am on the C25K plan. I started running with the Galloway method of training, mostly because when I started running about a year ago, I started with an amazing group of women who run together every Saturday morning. The group has a variety of different types of runners - some who do 5Ks, some 10Ks, some do half marathons and a few of them have done whole marathons (!). They use the Galloway method, so I started doing the same. I like the interval running and there's some recent evidence that it's better for women to run intervals than long chunks of cardio (in terms of fat burning capacity, aerobic conditioning, etc), but I really, really, REALLY want to be able to run the entire 5K. So I decided to pick up the C25K and see where I am, and in my 3 runs a week, try to do 2 of them as C25K and the other as a longer interval run. So yesterday morning I did week 5, day 1 (5 min jogging, 3 min walk, 5 min jog, 3 min walk, 5 min jog). It was easy. I should have known it was going to be easy. Honestly, I was scared of the next workout (8 min jog, 5 min walk, 8 min jog). But I will do that one next...
Anyway, back to our trip to the zoo yesterday. I had a "crap, poor planning" moment and realized as we were leaving at lunch time, that we had done NO planning about lunch. Then, Adi fell asleep in the car while we were looking for a place to eat (the zoo is a bit in the ghetto of Providence, so we wanted to drive a little ways before we stopped). Jared wanted a DD sandwich (he tried gluten yesterday) but there was nothing for me there. But near the DD was a McDonald's. Now, I should have known better. I mean, who expects a salad to have veggies at McD's? But I got a southwestern salad with grilled chicken, no dressing. And what did it have on it? Corn chips. Corn. Beans. Cheese. A few tomatoes (thank goodness) and grilled chicken. And I think I found one carrot slice. So I ate the lettuce and the chicken (which did have some sort of sauce on it) and Adi picked at the rest of it (she woke up, so we went in). She also, to my chagrin, ate an entire kid's hamburger. The first time in her life she's ever eaten at McD's. Preferably one of the few times ever!! Moral of the story: Mama needs to plan MUCH better and will definitely keep this in mind for our 6 hour drive to PA!
Okay, enough rambling. Here's some other yummy stuff we've eaten in the past week or so:
Summer Squash Meatball Casserole was okay. We used pork for the meatballs and they were a little bland. Not crazy about this one, but it wasn't bad, either!
Pulled pork with BBQ Sauce from It Starts with Food, Plantain Mash, and microwave veggies. The pulled pork was awesome. The plantain mash was good but a bit thick. We'll have to play with these recipes!
This is what Tuesday night's dinner looked like on the grill - Jared's a pretty awesome grill master!
And on the plate. This our normal steak marinade, adapted for Whole 30 (so no honey). The mushrooms were marinated in this. Pineapple was grilled plain (normally we'd top it with honey and lime juice).
Breakfast this past week has been roasted butternut squash with a bit of ghee and fried eggs. I love winter squash. I'm so glad fall is coming - lots of big winter squash growing in my garden and it will be back in season in the store and farmer's market's soon, too!
Apple-bacon pork burger (without the bacon for me, Jared had his with), sweet potato fries with cinnamon, and some apple slices for dinner. This is one of my FAVORITE dinners. :)
nom. nom. nom.
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