This week has brought it's own challenges. Staying compliant has become easier, because while there have been temptations like this in the lunch room at work:
I love marshmallows. Seriously. But I walked by them. That has been fairly easy. And today we went to a birthday party for one of Adi's friends. The main dishes for lunch: pizza and veggie lasagna. But we both had lots of salad, topped with salsa and some fruit salad. Not terrible. We were hungry when we left (we excused ourselves before the cake, both because neither of us wanted that temptation, but also because it was getting very close to Adi's nap time and we didn't want to have a melt down at the party). But when we got home, we each had some protein (a compliant hot dog, no less!) and felt better.
What has been difficult for me has been not feeling that much more changed. I'm not sure exactly what I expected, but based on the "timeline" and changes described by others, I really expected to feel MUCH better and MUCH different. Don't get me wrong, I do feel good. I am not bloated. I don't get hungry every two hours. My skin is clear (!). I'm not craving caffeine or sugar (although I do occasionally look at something longingly). But I don't have limitless energy. I'm still tired and I don't have that tiger blood feeling. So, like I said in my last post, I'm choosing to focus on the positive and, as we are entering the last official week of our Whole30, thinking about what comes next.
Jared and I have had several conversations about where we go from here. Honestly, I'm considering continuing my Whole30 for a few more weeks, for a few reasons. First, I want to add in more exercise. My schedule has been so hectic this month that I haven't gotten in the time I want for my running and I've done very little else. I want to see if the combination of exercise and dietary changes help my energy level. The other issue that I'd like to address more fully is my thyroid. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after Adi was born and know that certain foods are suspected to play a role in how thyroid hormones are metabolized in the body. I would like to continue the program for a few more weeks, and have my levels tested again to make sure everything is okay, since the dietary changes have been pretty drastic.
As far as what we will do as a family, the plan right now is to reintroduce things as described in the book (It Starts with Food). Then, we'll keep our dinners compliant, with a few exceptions of meals that we really like. Those meals (no pasta dishes, but some things like ham and bean soup, chicken piccata, etc.) we will work to make compliant, or more so than they are currently. And when we're out at a friend's house, as long as we're not on a Whole30, we'll be okay with trying a little pasta, or rice dish, or salad dressing that might have some sugar. Or dessert, because it tastes wonderful. But at home, when we can fully control what is cooked, it'll be paleo, if not Whole30. This is a work in progress for us, but it feels good to have a plan going forward. It also means the world to me to have Jared and the rest of our family's support in this, not to mention the many friends who have been uber supportive (ahem, Clara). :)
Breakfast Saturday morning, before my riding lesson: two fried eggs, a tomato and an avocado. And I stole some of Adi's strawberries. :)
This was a yummy Apple Dijon burger topped with a fried egg, served with tomato. I added some mayo to my tomato after I took the photo. And strawberries. :) I love strawberries.
Zucchini boats! These were okay; Jared thought they needed more meat, less veggies (or a different veggie:meat ratio. Eating the "boat" made it a lot of veggies, but I liked them).
Lunch (can't remember which day): chicken, an egg, tomato, avocado, and a banana that was getting too ripe. Too ripe bananas are meh, but I ate it anyways.
Mustard Lime Chicken, steamed carrots with Italian seasoning and roasted asparagus with a bit of balsamic vinegar.
Lunch (again, no idea what day this was anymore): B.A.S. (big ass salad), steamed broccoli with ghee and a bit of salt.
Your posts and yummy-looking food photos have made me mindful of what we eat. Did Jared tell you I made the sausage, shredded apple/sweet potato patties? Delicious. I don't plan to go totally Whole30 but your blog has encouraged me to make a few changes in eating habits. THANKS!!!! You and Jared should be very proud of committing to seeing this plan through to the end :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad, Barb! We'll do some cooking for you when we're home for the fair. And even if you don't do the whole thing, even just being mindful of what you're eating is great! :)