Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend update

Okay, so it's not really still the weekend, but to say that this weekend was busy would be an understatement. Saturday went something like this: running and a photo shoot with an adorable little boy and his mama (see pics here!) in the morning, riding lesson in the afternoon followed by some mama-Adi time and crashing pretty hard after dinner. Sunday was even busier: church, come home early to drop Adi off at home for the sitter, run back to church (both Jared and I had meetings that went until 2), pick Adi up and take her to a play date so that Jared and I could go look at some houses, back to get Adi and have dinner with the friends that were watching her, home, and CRASH. Whew! I need a weekend from my weekend!
I made this amazing salad Saturday for lunch. I was HUNGRY. Lots of good stuff on there!
The good news is that I'm down a little more - the scale read 139.4 (- 0.5) lb on Saturday morning. AND, I ran 25 minutes without stopping as part of my C25K! Bella rocked it with me:
We haven't made any new recipes in the last week or so, but we have one or two planned for this week that I'm excited for. We're starting to think about adapting old recipes that we like for our new way of eating. Making things "wholer," if you will. :) Lots of tinkering and playing around with recipes in our future!


  1. tinkering is GREAT! I've done that with so many. Let me know if you need any help/ideas. :)

    1. I will! You are officially my go-to person for this. :)
