Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday update

Look at all of those tomatoes! I have two large boxes (seriously - paper box sized boxes) that are (were) each about half full of tomatoes. They came from a friend's garden, and they had already picked enough for their canning and there were still a TON of tomatoes left!
So this is what my afternoon looked like - peeling tomatoes, dicing, and canning! And yes, we had more tomatoes than cans, so tonight I bought more cans and will finish the rest tomorrow!
Anyways, on to my weekly wrap up. My weigh in was successful with another pound lost! Down to 138.4 - easily the lowest I've been in a LONG time! So exciting!
What else has been going on? We tried a new recipe this week, Paleo Chicken Piccata. I totally forgot to take a photo of it, but it was very tasty and we both like it as much as our previous piccata recipe, if not better. (Note to self: take photos of food!)
My heel has been doing okay. I've been trying to massage it daily and definitely stretching after I run. I ran this morning with some friends and we did 4.85 miles (!) and oh. my. gosh. Running with a  stroller (and Adi!) makes running without SO much easier. We chatted and ran our normal 4 min run/1 min walk intervals and we got to the end and I could have just kept going. This amazes me every time I run. I finish and think "Who is this person?" Clearly, this is not ME. This is some other person taking control of my thoughts - some one who LIKES running?!?! It's crazy, really. A year ago, I couldn't keep up with these same runners on a 3 mile run.
Oh, and fun thing to note: I had dairy last night and I'm not a total wreck today. Yay! Adi and I shared some ice cream (well, it was a Frosty, so not real ice cream) and it didn't wreck my digestive tract or make me feel badly. This doesn't mean that I'm going to add it back in on a daily basis, but it's nice to know that I can have some now and again and not be a mess afterwards.  At some point, I'm going to try some gluten, but not ready to do that yet, especially when I'm losing!
from here

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