On the other hand, I've also been avoiding writing here because I haven't been very successful over the past two weeks in maintaining the type of diet I want. I have been calling it experimenting, but what's really happening is that I'm giving in to stress and the sugar dragon. So here are my "confessions":
1. I'm doing really bad at not snacking at night. Really bad. Even though the things I'm eating aren't "bad" (raisins, nuts, etc) they are food without brakes for me. I need to get this under control.
2. I'm calling it experimenting when what I really doing is giving in. I need to call a spade a spade, make my decision and get on with my life. I did not need a latte this morning and it made me feel horrible all morning and most of the afternoon. But I was stressed, so I bought one anyways. And now my stomach is upset and I have had zero appetite. I had my own bowl of frozen yogurt Wednesday night, too - totally not necessary. I do not need to eat something just because it's a birthday.
3. I'm not eating enough veggies. Must. eat. more. veggies. And not just sweet potatoes. Gotta get this figured out again, too. I think now that fall is here, I need to investigate more soups and stews. Good fall food! And I'm excited that squash is back in season, too. I roasted some last night, and if my stomach wasn't so messed up from that dang latte this morning, I would eat what I have in my fridge for lunch.
Okay, so let's talk about something else now. Fair warning - some of this may be TMI. Adi has been having some issues with eczema - she's had it for awhile. It comes and goes, with very little indication (that I can find) of what causes a flare up. It's not horrible - she certainly isn't as bad as some children - but it gets uncomfortable for her. The ped prescribed a topical steroid, which we use when it gets raised and inflamed and sore, but I try not to use it every day and certainly not anywhere except where needed. She also has some issues with her bowel movements not being solid (even at 2 years of age) which irritates her and causes diaper rash. I've tried probiotics, which have only helped a little, if at all. Her diet is fairly similar to ours, except that she eats dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt and cream cheese) and gluten (pitas/sandwiches, crackers) on a regular basis. She is pretty good about eating veggies, loves fruit and will usually at least try whatever meat we're eating. She is currently refusing eggs and has never really liked them, so unfortunately, that easy source of fat/protein is out.
What we're considering is taking a few weeks and restricting her intake of dairy, or dairy and gluten. I'm sure it will be tough - this would be a major change in her diet. Both eczema and loose bowels can be (but are not necessarily) related to inflammation and gut health, and dairy and gluten are both related to inflammation and gut health as well. She has an appointment with her ped this afternoon, so I'll talk to him about it as well. I am not sure of the reception from him - he's an older doctor with fairly traditional views. I'm sure that the restriction won't hurt her - she certainly is growing well and I have no concerns about her physical or mental development. My biggest concern is that I want her to feel better, and it has been obvious to me that restricting those things in my diet makes me feel better (and I believe Jared feels the same way). I don't know if that is truly what is causing her issues or not, but I feel better as a mom about restricting her diet than putting steroid cream on her repeatedly.
Okay, now off to think about making applesauce out of the 30 pounds of apples we got last weekend (although at the rate we've been eating them, I'm pretty sure there isn't 30 pounds any more!).
Adi loved picking apples!