Monday, July 22, 2013

One week down!

It's Day Eight, which means that we have officially finished one entire week (haha, I originally typed 'weak' there. Freudian slip??) of the Whole 30.  The daily email has been really helpful in those small reminders and not so subtle tough love. And the Facebook group that Clara kindly added me to has also been a great source of info!  Since we're a week in, I thought it'd be good to review my goals and see how I've done so far, and what I can do to improve in week two. And I'll share some of our yummy recipes, too (all stolen from other places, so I've included the links when I can remember/find them!).
First, these are the goals I set for myself:
  • Nutrition: I will eat breakfast. Before coffee. Every day.
  • Fun and Play: I will turn my phone completely OFF for 4-6 hours every weekend (and not overnight. When Adi is awake. :))
  • Stress Management: I will take a lunch break every day at work. Away from my desk (!).

So how have I done?
Nutrition: I've had breakfast every day this week. And no coffee (!). I think I need to change up my breakfast a little bit now that it's getting easier to get down. I didn't need any fruit this morning, so I'm thinking of adding some more veggies in. Breakfast is normally egg muffins (recipe) and maybe a little fruit.
Fun and Play: I didn't turn my phone off this weekend, but I did make a conscious effort to not be checking it every 15 minutes (or playing Words with Friends).  I also had an "off" weekend - just not feeling right, tired, a little bit of depression creeping in. I will do better with this next weekend!
Stress Management: I took a true lunch break (30 min) each day, although it was not always away from my desk. It's been pretty hot here, and sitting outside wasn't an option for me most days. However, I did bring a book to work, so my lunch at my desk looks a little more like this:

(This lunch also included broccoli, but I ate it before I remembered to take the photo. That's Jared's awesome chicken salad on the left, an avocado, and a banana. And The Count of Monte Cristo. To be filed under "Educational," according to Red)
So what other yummy things did we make this week? First is curry. I've never made a curry. I've never had curry (until this week). So I have no idea if I did it right or not. I thought it was pretty tasty; Jared was not as thrilled with it (too much cabbage?). Recipe is here although we left out the fish sauce as ours was non-compliant. I've also seen this over cauliflower 'rice' (here) which I might have to try a little later, when Jared is willing to try it again. 
Last night, we made these Moroccan meatballs. They're for dinner tonight. They smelled AMAZEBALLS (like that little play on words there?) so I can't wait to eat them. They're lamb with some seasonings, in a tomato sauce (also homemade, see my rockin' PicStitch skills below). And Jared would like me to note that he really loves this green pot. Not as much as he loves me and Adi, but it's a close third. Maybe fourth after Annie, but it definitely beats Bella. Okay, it might be after Bella, too, but I don't think it's far behind. Jared would also like me to add that "That's not just "a green pot". That's a 6-qt enameled cast iron dutch oven. And it is "amazeballs" and the only thing worth cooking soup or saucy type things in..."
Tomorrow is our first attempt at doing this while eating at a friend's house... They invited us over for dinner and when they asked if we had any food restrictions, it was a little awkward. It was really the first time talking to someone who wasn't just interested in what we were doing from an outside view, but from someone who is going to be making a meal for us. Luckily, these friends are very gracious and are very accommodating. Grilled chicken and veggies, and we'll bring a fruit salad to share. Sounds like a good dinner to me!


  1. Sounds like you are both doing great with Whole30! Hang in there :)
